Use -59 modifier when billing for indwelling stent
February 1st 2004Q I am in a multiple-physician urology practice. One of our physiciansbelieves that billing 52332 with 52352 or 52353 with a 59 modifiershould be paid, and that billing 52005 with 52332 with the 59 modifiershould be paid (ie, 52005-59). When is it appropriate to use the 59modifier?
Urology avoids financial woes of other specialties
January 1st 2004Minneapolis--Surgeons and other physicians across the country continueto deal with the higher costs of practicing medicine in the face of decliningreimbursements. Those factors added up to lower profit margins for U.S.physician groups in 2002 and a continuing awareness of the need to pay attentionto all of the vagaries of the business of practicing medicine. For the mostpart, urologists showed little change in reimbursement.
Managing prostatitis requires a multi-faceted approach
September 1st 2003Although antibiotics are commonly used to treat symptoms of chronic pelvicpain syndrome, this approach is beneficial in a relatively small subsetof patients, and urologists must consider alternative treatment modalities,including physical therapy. In this exclusive Urology Times interview, JeannettePotts, MD, discusses current research and her own views on the diagnosisand treatment of chronic prostatitis. Dr. Potts is a member of the staffat the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological Institute. The interview wasconducted by Philip M. Hanno, MD, of the department of urology, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Urologists may be targeted in second LHRH case
August 1st 2003Wilmington, DE-The federal government will likely pursue urologistsin a second round of investigations surrounding the fraudulent marketingand sale of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonists for prostatecancer. Just how far the probe will extend remains a source of debate amonglegal experts familiar with the case.
Studies offer valuable advice on stone prevention
July 1st 2003Up to 5% of Americans will be affected by stone disease over the courseof their lifetime. Despite major advances in shockwave lithotripsy and endoscopictechnologies, we must not underestimate the role of medical therapy in preventingstone recurrence. Two studies presented at the recent AUA annual meetingand reported in this issue of Urology Times (see page 10) offer valuablelessons on this aspect of stone management.
Multiple procedures, two physicians: Here's how to bill
July 1st 2003In a previous issue of Urology Times, this column discussed multiple procedures and the bundling edits for a single physician ("When to bill and not to bill for multiple procedures," May 2002, page 62). This article will address multiple procedures performed at the same encounter by two separate physicians.
Use appropriate codes for residual urine ultrasounds
June 1st 2003AUA recommends 51798 any time ultrasound is performed to check for residualurineQ We use the BVI-3000 BladderScan from Diagnostic Ultrasound for residualurine. They show a shadow of amount left in the bladder on a printed report.Is this still considered a non-image? Is there any way we can use 76775using the BVI-3000?
Coding and billing in 2003: Back to the basics
May 1st 2003There are two key elements to successful billing and collection-bothnow and in the future. The first is the accuracy of your documentation andcoding, basically the responsibility of the urologist. The second elementis the billing process, which can be computerized, automated, and performedby others.
Implant reimbursement coalition packs Chicago meeting room
April 29th 2003Chicago-The Coalition for the Advancement of Prosthetic Urology (CAPU),fresh from its first battle in Washington earlier this year over reimbursementfor prosthetic urology devices and procedures, took another big step forwardwith a standing-room-only presentation at the AUA meeting here on Tuesday.
Coalition for the Advancement of Prosthetic Urology hosts informationallunch
April 28th 2003Chicago-Urologists interested in Medicare reimbursement rates for prostheticurology should consider attending an informational lunch hosted by the Coalitionfor the Advancement of Prosthetic Urology (CAPU). John Mulcahy, MD, chairmanof CAPU, which is comprised of leading clinical experts and researchersin prosthetic urology and the nation's leading manufacturers and developersof prosthetic urological devices, will discuss the group's advocacy andoutreach initiatives.
Texas reform may not offer immediate relief
December 1st 2002Denison, TX-A non-existent cap on non-economic medical liabilitydamages and the disproportionate number of high jury awards in the country'slargest state have physicians wondering if relief will ever come, even withlegislation in the works.
Philly, Northeast Pa reeling from practice closings
December 1st 2002Philadelphia-The City of Brotherly Love has what many say is theleast friendly climate for physicians when it comes to medical liabilityinsurance. Insurance and reimbursement problems, however, are statewidephenomena in Pennsylvania. In Scranton, located in the northeastern cornerof the state, a seven-urologist group has said it will decide in Januarywhether to close.