Dr. Bukavina on the need to improve female representation in bladder cancer clinical trials
September 2nd 2024“So, while the natural epidemiological prevalence of disease is only 20% to 30%, we really should aim for studies where we can oversample the females to make sure that that medication truly is doing what it's doing in both males and females,” says Laura Bukavina, MD, MPH, MS.
Laura Bukavina, MD, on the need to integrate mental health support in GU cancer care
August 29th 2024“Unlike a lot of the societies within oncology, including ASCO or even NCCN, urology really does not do a good job at recommending mental health to our patients,” says Laura Bukavina, MD, MPH, MSc.
Study: GU cancer survivors report difficulty affording mental health, dental care
August 28th 2024“While the medications might be covered, while the surgical treatment might be covered, we all know that mental health and dental care are one of those things where people have large copays, long delays to care, and it is very clear to see that from our study,” says Laura Bukavina, MD, MPH, MSc.
Dr. Bukavina on GLP1R agonists and genitourinary cancers
May 23rd 2024"Our first question is, in patients who were on the GLP1R agonists for a prolonged period of time, were those patients at increased or decreased risk of developing the most common GU malignancies?" says Laura Bukavina, MD, MPH.