This series comprised of videos and articles explores the role of perirectal spacers and the multidisciplinary approach to treating patients with prostate cancer.
EP. 1: Evolving Practice Standards: Perirectal Spacing for Prostate Cancer
June 30th 2023In the first installment of this series, Juan Montoya, MD, discusses the results of the phase 3 pivotal trial of a polyethylene glycol-based hydrogel spacer, reviews real-world data on this product, and provides insights on the evolving practice standards for perirectal spacing in prostate cancer.
EP. 3: Cross-Specialty Communications in Prostate Cancer
July 31st 2023In the second installment of this series, Ryan A. Hankins, MD, and Sean P. Collins, MD, PhD, provide insights on the multidisciplinary approach to treating patients with prostate cancer and discuss the roles of urologists and radiation oncologists.