
Best apps to get urologists through their day

To help the modern urologist, we list and briefly review the best apps to get urologists at all levels of expertise through their day.

Instant access to information via our mobile devices has become a daily necessity and has transformed how our modern world interacts. To help the modern urologist, we list and briefly review the best apps to get urologists at all levels of expertise through their day.

Our search was focused on apps available through the App Store (Apple) and Google Play (Android OS). Divided into major categories-guidelines, journal articles, management, and patient education tools-we list the apps relevant to our world that get the job done. Bold text indicates the terminology used to search for a given app.



AUA Guidelines at a Glance (App Store/Google Play) serves as a quick reference for urologists on the most current evidence-based clinical guidelines and best practice guidelines published by the AUA (figure 1). (Publisher: American Urological Association [AUA])

AUA University (App Store/Google Play) mirrors the AUA Universitywebsite and includes access to the AUA Core Curriculum, which is a comprehensive reference divided into over 80 specialized sections. The app is a valuable tool for daily clinical practice and board exam preparation as it links to a number of resources, including webcasts, textbooks, videos, articles, and simulations. (Publisher: AUA)

EAU Pocket GuidelinesApp 2018 (App Store/Google Play) provides a quick and easy way to access the content of the 2018 European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines, organized into over 20 topics that discuss management, investigation, diagnosis, and follow-up of various urologic conditions. There are free versions of the pocket guidelines available with initial app installation; EAU members can access the remainder of the pocket guidelines, while non-EAU members are required to purchase them. (Publisher: EAU)

SIU AcademyApp (App Store/Google Play) mirrors the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) Academy eLearning portal with access to numerous educational activities, including ePosters, webcasts, expert opinion videos and editorials, CME-accredited courses, interactive quizzes with surgical videos, and e-grand rounds and endourology series. The app also allows users to search for content related to topics of interest. SIU Academy App is available to SIU members. (Publisher: SIU/Multilearning Group)

NCCN Guidelines for Smartphones (App Store/Google Play) allows providers to access the most up-to-date National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) algorithms and discussions for management decisions and interventions applicable to 97% of all patients with cancer. There are additional guidelines and pathways focused on prevention, screening, and supportive care. This app is available upon free registration at TIP Medical Communications)

Next:Literature search and journals

Literature search and journals

Major urology journals have also created apps to offer readers easy and quick access to current and archived editions. However, before entering a journal site, the most frequently used search engine for first finding a reliable academic reference remains Pubmed.comwhich is accessible via the app PubMed4Hh (figure 2), offered by the National Library of Medicine, one of the most respected sources of established journal articles and references. However, to supplement the urologist’s mobile library, the following apps provide easy access to key urology journals:

  • AUA Journals (access to Journal of Urology and Urology Practice)

  • Urology, the Gold Journal

  • BJUI Journal

  • European Urology

  • Reviews in Urology

  • Neurourology and Urodynamics

  • Urologic Oncology.


Other mobile management tools

UpToDate (App Store/Google Play) offers extensive evidence-based clinical information, including recommendations for management, opportunities to earn and track free CME/CE/CPD credits, as well as patient education materials. (Publisher: UpToDate, Inc.)

Epocrates, an athenahealth service, and Lexicomp (App Store/Google Play) are two apps that contain information about pharmacology and dosing, as well as drug indications and guidelines for use, contraindications, side effects, and drug-drug interactions to enhance efficiency and safety in daily practice. The Epocrates app is free with the ability to upgrade to an Epocrates Plus subscription, which offers additional features, such as alternative medications, lab guides, and evidence-based disease treatment options by patient type (figure 3). New Lexicomp users will receive a 1-month free trial with the option to pay for continued access thereafter. (Publishers: athenahealth, Inc.; Lexicomp)

Urological Emergencies (App Store/Google Play) provides a systematic approach to the initial management, differential diagnosis, and treatment of common urologic emergencies, which is especially valuable for urologists in training. (Publisher: Brainydoc Ltd.)

Oxford Handbook of Urology (App Store/Google Play) allows users the opportunity to subscribe to the latest version of the Oxford Handbook of Urology. (Publisher: Indextra AB)

CDC Antibiotic Guidelinesand STD Tx Guide (App Store) serve as guides for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), in addition to identification of at-risk populations. (Publisher: Paul Chan, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention)

Mobile PDR (App Store/Google Play) is the official drug information app from Physician Desk Reference (PDR), a longtime reference for drug prescribing information. (Publisher: PDR Network)

Doximity (App Store/Google Play) is a free app that connects physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists. Each member has a Doximity profile, which provides access to HIPAA-secure fax and caller ID services, as well as clinical news. (Publisher: Doximity) 

Next:Calculation tools

Calculation tools

MDCalc Medical Calculator (App Store/Google Play) provides 350-plus clinical calculators, risk scores, and algorithms that cover the entire spectrum of medicine (figure 4). FENa, creatinine clearance, CAPRA score, prostate volume, and PSA density are only a few calculations that are useful in daily urologic practice. (Publisher: MD Aware, LLC)

Prostate Cancer Clinical Risk Classification Tool (App Store) is a simple app that calculates a patient’s NCCN Risk Classification based on PSA, biopsy findings, and digital rectal examination findings. (Publisher: Genomic Health, Inc.)


Patient education and self-management tools

drawMD – Patient Education (App Store/Google Play) allows providers to use medical art with annotations to educate their patients about medical conditions and procedures with the assistance of personalized illustrations, presentations, and handouts (figure 5). (Publisher: Visible Health, Inc.)

Kegel Nation (App Store) incorporates a biofeedback feature that allows male and female patients to measure how often they perform their Kegel exercises and how long they spend contracting and relaxing their pelvic muscles during each exercise. The app also allows patients to track their urinary function, such as frequency of urinary urgency, number of trips to the bathroom, number of incontinence events, and number of urinary pads used. This app is valuable for gauging response to treatment and allows for implementation of timely intervention. (Publisher: UCSF)

Bladder Pal 2 (App Store) allows patients to maintain a bladder diary by tracking their fluid intake and urinary output. It also contains AUA tests designed to help men assess the severity of their urinary symptoms and response to therapy. (Publisher: Ronald L. Yap, MD)

Animated Atlas of BPH & OAB (App Store/Google Play) illustrates the anatomy and physiology of the prostate gland and the urinary bladder, as well as the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of BPH and overactive bladder. This atlas serves as animated reference for effective presentations to patients and colleagues. Limited features can be accessed for free, and the remaining content must be purchased. (Publisher: Focus Medica India Pvt. Ltd.)




More and more urologists are using these apps as an educational and reference tool in their daily practice. The apps offer the ability to continuously access information and promote the dissemination of knowledge among physicians and patients.

Spyridon Basourakos, MD

Alexis E. Te, MD

Dr. Basourakos is a urology resident at Weill Cornell Medicine/New York-Presbyterian, and Dr. Te is professor of urology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Weill Cornell Medicine/New York-Presbyterian, New York.


Section Editor James M. Hotaling, MD, MS

Section Editor Steven A. Kaplan, MD

Dr. Hotaling is assistant professor of surgery (urology) at the Center for Reconstructive Urology and Men's Health, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, and Dr. Kaplan is professor of urology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York.

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