Dr. Das on the impact of the new overactive bladder guideline on his practice


"I think it really is going to change my practice," says Akhil Das, MD, FACS.

In this video, Akhil Das, MD, FACS, discusses the potential impact of the new AUA/SUFU guideline on overactive bladder on his practice. Das is a UCI Health urologist and a professor of urology at UCI School of Medicine.


Will the new AUA/SUFU guideline on overactive bladder change how you practice?

It will. There are people who come in and they say, "I have to go to the bathroom 20 times a day. I can't make it to the bathroom because the urgency is so strong." Throwing some medications with these side effects...I think if you can get a Botox injection, and you get better, it's hard to argue with that [vs] being on months and months of medications that may not work. I think it really is going to change my practice.

This transcription was edited for clarity.

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