

Implications of research on cost-effectiveness of prostate MRI without contrast

"At the University of Michigan, we've actually started to offer prostate MRI without contrast for patients on active surveillance, which has been a really exciting change," says Benjamin Pockros, MD, MBA.

In this video, Benjamin Pockros, MD, MBA, discusses next steps following the Urology Practice paper “Financial Implications of Prostate MRI Without Contrast.” Pockros is a urology resident at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


What are the next steps for this research?

Now that there's been a lot of work showing similar diagnostic accuracy between the 2, now that we've shown that there's a lot of financial benefits for patients, I think the next steps are, how do we implement this change in basic early detection and active surveillance protocols? For most patients on active surveillance, let's say they start at the age of 55, they could get up to 4 to 5 to 6 MRIs in their lifetime, which is really consequential for them. The whole point of active surveillance is to minimize the treatment side effects of definitive treatment like surgery or radiation. And so we're trying to minimize any consequences of active surveillance, such as financial toxicity. And so what our group is looking at now is, how can we now implement this change? And I can tell you, at the University of Michigan, we've actually started to offer prostate MRI without contrast for patients on active surveillance, which has been a really exciting change, and we're going to start to study that moving forward.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Just acknowledging a huge team effort. None of this would be possible without Dr Todd Morgan and Dr Matt Davenport. Dr Morgan is a urologic oncologist, and Dr Davenport is a GU radiologist. They really spearheaded this project and made it all happen. And also total credit to them for really implementing this at the University of Michigan.

This transcript was edited for clarity.

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