In this video, Todd M. Morgan, MD, talks about the still-uncertain future of imaging in advanced prostate cancer.
Computed tomography and bone scans remain the standard of care for imaging in advanced prostate cancer, says Todd M. Morgan, MD, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It’s a longstanding take-home message supported by multiple clinical guidelines.
“That said, advanced imaging modalities-Axumin PET and PSMA PET-are the hottest topic, if you will,” Dr. Morgan told Urology Times. “I think arguably there is no bigger change coming down the pike in prostate cancer care over the next 5 years than those imaging modalities, especially in the biochemically recurrent setting or the oligometastic disease setting.”
In this video, Dr. Morgan talks about the still-uncertain future of imaging in advanced prostate cancer. He also discusses imaging for local staging, significant changes in the treatment of metastatic and non-metastatic hormone-sensitive disease, the role of genomic testing in prostate cancer, and germline genetic testing.
Dr. Morgan receives research funding and serves on the advisory board of Myriad Genetics, receives research funding from MDxHealth and GenomeDx, and is on the advisory board of Terumo BCT.