New urologic products and services.
Orangeburg, NY-Sani-Cloth Plus, from Professional Disposables International, is a disinfecting wipe pre-moistened with hospital-grade quaternary/low-alcohol formula (14.85). It is designed for disinfecting hard, non-porous surfaces and equipment. Bleach-, phenol- and latex-free, the cloth removes organisms as it wipes, killing bacteria and viruses within 3 minutes, according to the manufacturer. The product is available in 65- and 160-count canisters and in boxes of large and extra-large 50-count pocket packets.
Examination gloves offer a non-latex alternative
Program raises awareness of noninvasive OAB option
Minneapolis-Uroplasty, Inc. has expanded its co-op marketing program to customers of its Urgent PC neuromodulation system for treatment of overactive bladder who want to promote availability in their practice of this non-surgical, office-based treatment option. The company helps program participants to select a suitable marketing program from a menu of media options and education opportunities for patients and physicians, and costs of the program are shared.
Disposable surgical device lights, suctions, clears
Strongsville, OH-Lumitex Medical Devices' VersaLight is a new generation, single-use surgical device that provides uniform, cool, shadowless light into deep cavities, small openings, under flaps, and in lateral margins. Its horizontally seamed design withstands 10 pounds of retraction force. Attached to standard hospital tubing, it uses a sterile solution bag with a pressurized cuff or infusion pump to irrigate with one push of the control button. Extra relief holes increase suction, regulated by a finger-controlled aspiration hole. Spiral wraparounds in the unit's cable management system bundle cables and tubing for easy movement and positioning.
Novel method helps men with difficult-to-treat ED
Cherry Hill, NJ-TriMix Laboratories' TriMix gel is an alternative erectile dysfunction treatment for men who are unsuitable for phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and injection therapy. The gel contains FDA-approved active ingredients of prostaglandin, papaverine, and phentolamine, but because it is custom-compounded in a pharmacy, it is not FDA approved for treatment of ED. The mixture does not require refrigeration: The patient carries the product on his person at room temperature. At the time of intercourse, the storage device mixes and applies the medication without injection.
Generic agent available for testosterone deficiency
Minneapolis-Paddock Laboratories, Inc. offers an AO-rated generic brand of injectable testosterone cypionate, 200 mg/mL, for hormone replacement therapy in men presenting with symptoms of deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone. It is available in individually bar-coded 1-mL single-dose or 10-mL multiple-dose vials.