Only 12% of cancer survivors are aware of prostate cancer clinical trials at the time of their diagnosis, according to a survey conducted by the Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups and Northwestern University, Chicago.
Only 12% of cancer survivors are aware of prostate cancer clinical trials at the time of their diagnosis, according to a survey conducted by the Coalition of Cancer Cooperative Groups and Northwestern University, Chicago.
That’s not enough awareness, according to the National Prostate Cancer Coalition (NPCC), which is partnering with Amgen Oncology in an awareness campaign to help men better understand the benefits of clinical trial participation, “Get in the G.A.M.E. (Get All Men Educated about prostate cancer clinical trials).” It is part of a larger NPCC initiative to educate men about prostate cancer, “Do It For Dad!”
In addition to encouraging patients to discuss clinical trials with their physician, the initiative will refer men to NPCC’s web site,, for information about prostate cancer prevention, detection, and treatment and to research clinical trials.
Information about relevant clinical trials is also available at
or by calling 800-536-8604.