
Christopher B. Dechet, MD


Robotic cystectomy: Ileal conduit

This video depicts a robot-assisted laparoscopic cystectomy with intracorporeal ileal conduit for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer.

Jonathan N. Warner, MD


Robotic cystectomy: Y-shaped neobladder technique

This video demonstrates a technique for the intracorporeal creation of a robot-assisted Y-shaped neobladder after cystectomy.

Robert M. Turner, II, MD


High-grade bladder Ca: New data improve risk stratification

“We need to identify those patients with high-grade T1 bladder cancer that are likely to recur or progress… and find additional options to prevent recurrence and progression in these patients,” said Joaquim Bellmunt, MD, PhD, in a presentation at the SUO annual meeting.

Amy Pearlman, MD


Dr. Stacy Loeb on what a typical week looks like for her

"My specific career path is really not at all like my mentors, and I think that's fine, actually. It's great, because I'm doing what I want to do and not feeling constrained to go down any particular pathway," says Stacy Loeb, MD, MSc, PhD (Hon).

Keith Loria


Can remote patient monitoring enhance your practice?

“[The ability of] remote patient monitoring to provide targeted clinical information to physicians and elevate critical information for review and earlier intervention is enhancing patient communication and care delivery,” said Jim Brown, MD.

Joshua A. Broghammer, MD


AUS placement: Updated perineal approach

Urologists demonstrate several techniques to help the occasional AUS implanter avoid complications.

Uwais B. Zaid, MD


AUS placement: Key steps in the Duke technique

This video, from Andrew C. Paterson, MD, and Uwais B. Zaid, MD, describes a technique for the placement of the male bulbar artificial urinary sphincter.

Woodson W. Smelser, MD


BCG-unresponsive NMIBC: Current evidence and options

Multiple investigational agents have been developed and are being studied.

Sean Elliott, MD, MS


AUS placement: The 30-minute technique

Sean Elliott, MD, MS, presents a streamlined, 30-minute approach to AUS insertion.

Andrew C. Paterson, MD


AUS placement: Key steps in the Duke technique

This video, from Andrew C. Paterson, MD, and Uwais B. Zaid, MD, describes a technique for the placement of the male bulbar artificial urinary sphincter.

Seth A. Cohen, MD


Urologists, GYNs demonstrate slings’ safety

"An abstract authored by Löppenberg et al is an interesting analysis of information from a respected prospective database examining variations in the quality of care provided to patients undergoing sling placement by gynecologists and urologists," write Seth A. Cohen, MD, and Shlomo Raz, MD.

Faris Azzouni, MD


Letter to the editor: Consider foreign urologists as solution to shortage

In this letter to the editor, Faris Azzouni, MD, makes his case for foreign urologists as a solution to the urologist shortage.

Brian V. Le, MD, MA


How to manage recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women

Although there is no clear-cut solution to the problem of recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women, "various strategies can be employed that have found success," write Wade Bushman, MD, PhD, and Brian V. Le, MD, MA.

Wade Bushman, MD, PhD


How to manage recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women

Although there is no clear-cut solution to the problem of recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women, "various strategies can be employed that have found success," write Wade Bushman, MD, PhD, and Brian V. Le, MD, MA.

Lance P. Walsh, MD, PhD


Urethral lift (UroLift): Walking through the cycle of care

In this video, Lance P. Walsh, MD, PhD, provides an overview of the prostatic urethral lift (UroLift), highlighting the entire cycle of patient care.

Ben Schwartz


Uro Pipeline: Supplemental application submitted for advanced RCC treatment

Other pipeline developments include an agent to control pain in IC/BPS patients, an antibody to treat prostate and bladder cancer, an injectable OAB treatment, and more.

J. Kellogg Parsons, MD, MHS


Alcohol and the prostate gland: Friend or foe?

Studies show moderate alcohol intake has surprising links to prostate disease.

Irene M. McAleer, MD, JD, MBA


Pediatric urolithiasis: Update and practical pointers

This article provides an update on the risk factors for stone disease and its presentation in children, and offers practical tips on its evaluation, treatment, and prevention.

Geolani W. Dy, MD


Transgender surgery: Videos demonstrate cutting-edge techniques

In these videos, expert surgeons demonstrate robot-assisted penile inversion vaginoplasty, single-stage metoidioplasty, and simple orchiectomy for transgender patients.

M. Chad Wallis, MD


Ureteral reimplantation: Cross-trigonal approach

In this video, M. Chad Wallis, MD, demonstrates the Cohen cross-trigonal ureteral reimplant, considered the most commonly performed open reimplant procedure.

Chester J. Koh, MD


Ureteral reimplantation: Top-down approach

In this video, Chester J. Koh, MD, shows key steps in a top-down approach without the use of stents for robot-assisted extravesical ureteral reimplantation.

Brian R. Stork, MD


The Urology Care Foundation: Why I support it

"Many people, including many practicing urologists, are unaware that over the course of the past 40 years, the Urology Care Foundation has supported more than 750 young scientists... with nearly $30 million in funding," writes Brian R. Stork, MD.

Barry Kogan, MD


Dr. Nitti: 32 new courses on tap at AUA 2019

With the AUA annual meeting quickly approaching, Victor W. Nitti, MD, chair of the AUA Office of Education, provides a snapshot of new course offerings and other AUA educational opportunities.

Edward Cox, MD, MPH


FDA’s updated fluoroquinolone warnings: What urologists should know

. Prescribers should know that the FDA has updated its warnings to say that fluoroquinolones should not be prescribed to patients who have other treatment options for acute bacterial sinusitis, acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections

James R. Craig, MD, MS


Does heat exposure affect spermatogenesis?

"There are significant data examining the role of heat exposure to male sperm. However, none of it is very high quality and the data are murky at best," write James R. Craig, MD, MS; William Brant, MD; and James M. Hotaling, MD, MS.

Bryan Voelzke, MD


Buried penis repair: Videos illustrate aesthetic, functional considerations

These four videos depict expert techniques for buried penis repair.

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