Evidence-based medicine drives new approach to SUI
May 1st 2003The lifetime risk of undergoing surgery for incontinence or vaginal prolapsein the United States is nearly one in 11. As our population ages and lifeexpectancies increase, a greater number of women will present with pelvicfloor and voiding disorders. Because of this, there is significant interestin using evidence-based research to assess current diagnostic tools in theevaluation of stress urinary incontinence (SUI), as well as new potentialtreatments.
Coding and billing in 2003: Back to the basics
May 1st 2003There are two key elements to successful billing and collection-bothnow and in the future. The first is the accuracy of your documentation andcoding, basically the responsibility of the urologist. The second elementis the billing process, which can be computerized, automated, and performedby others.
Botulinum toxin shown to improve detrusor overactivity
May 1st 2003Madrid, Spain-Botulinum-A toxin shows positive results as an alternativetreatment of neurogenic detrusor overactivity when oral therapies or intravesicalanticholinergics fail or are intolerable, according to results of four separatestudies presented at the European Association of Urology 18th congress here.The agent, although FDA-approved for the treatment of skin wrinkles andrelated indications, is not approved for detrusor overactivity but has beenused by some U.S. and European urologists for this indication.
RP, XRT, and seeds show similar relapse-free survival
May 1st 2003New Orleans-Radical prostatectomy, external beam radiation, and brachytherapy achieve comparable rates of relapse-free survival in patients with localized prostate cancer, according to long-term follow-up data on approximately 1,800 patients treated with one of the three therapeutic modalities.
Lifestyle changes may prevent, reverse PCa
May 1st 2003Chicago-Leading a healthy lifestyle may stop or even reverse the progression of prostate cancer as measured by PSA levels in men undergoing watchful waiting, according to the findings of the first randomized, controlled clinical trial on the subject.
Urology program directors to form new group
April 30th 2003Chicago-Members of the Society of University Urologists have agreed tocreate a new group consisting of U.S.-based urology program directors. Thenew, yet-unnamed organization will have both fund-raising and task-orientedresponsibilities, including assisting programs with new competency requirements,said Robert Flanigan, MD, professor and chairman of the department of urologyat Loyola University, Maywood, IL, who will serve as president of the group.Other officers will include Marc Cohen, MD, of the Medical College ofGeorgia in Augusta; and Michael Koch, MD, of Indiana University, Indianapolis.
Testosterone levels correlate with pathologic stage of prostate cancer
April 30th 2003Chicago-Pretreatment testosterone levels correlate with pathologic stagesof prostate cancer and may serve as an independent predictor of extraprostaticdisease in patients initially diagnosed with localized cancers, accordingto a study from the Center for Prostatic Disease Research in Rockville,MD.
Prostate cancer incidence found similar in low, higher PSA ranges
April 30th 2003ChicagoA retrospective study of more than 36,000 prostate cancerbiopsies found, as expected, that the incidence of prostate cancer variedaccording to PSA levels. But the study's authors also found that the incidenceof prostate cancer was similar for men with PSAs between 2.5 and 4.0 ng/mLand those with PSAs between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL.
Laser lithotripsy under IV sedation appears safe, effective
April 30th 2003Chicago-Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy can be performed safely and effectivelywith IV sedation, eliminating the need for general or spinal anesthesia,until now a principal downside to the procedure, a New York stone specialistreported at the AUA meeting yesterday.
Nomogram for BPH progression risk offers aid in clinical decision-making
April 30th 2003Chicago-Data from nearly 5,000 participants in the phase III studiesof dutasteride (Avodart) have been used to develop a nomogram for predictingthe probability that an individual patient with BPH will develop acute urinaryretention or require surgical intervention within 2 years and how that riskmay be altered by initiating dutasteride therapy.
Virtual reality simulation may predict procedural performance
April 30th 2003Chicago-New measurement and modeling methods appear to objectively predictureteroscopic performance and skills in a virtual reality environment, accordingto preliminary findings of a study conducted at the University of TexasSouthwestern Medical Center, Dallas.
Dr. Ruth promotes new book at AUA meeting
April 29th 2003Dr. Ruth Westheimer signed copies of her new book, "Conquering theRapids of Life: Making the Most of Midlife Opportunities," for AUAmeeting attendees. The book touches on health problems in the aging maleand female, including interstitial cystitis, incontinence, sexual dysfunction,and prostate problems. Dr. Ruth is shown here at the Ortho-McNeil booth.
Study debunks common belief about neuromodulation's mechanism in retention
April 29th 2003Chicago - Sacral neuromodulation's favorable effect on chronic urinary retentiondoes not derive from a direct relaxant effect on the urethral sphincter,according to findings from a study that debunks a popular belief about thetherapeutic mechanisms of neuromodulation.
Post-prostatectomy sildenafil improves erectile function recovery
April 29th 2003Chicago-Radical prostatectomy patients taking sildenafil postoperativelywere seven times more likely to report a return to spontaneous erectionsthan those taking placebo in a multi-institutional, double-blind study presentedhere yesterday.
Age at baseline most important factor affecting BPH progression in treatedpatients
April 29th 2003Chicago-A higher age at baseline predicted increased rate of progressionin all three treatment arms of the Medical Therapy of Prostate Symptoms(MTOPS) trial, according to a secondary analysis of data presented at theAUA meeting yesterday.
Implant reimbursement coalition packs Chicago meeting room
April 29th 2003Chicago-The Coalition for the Advancement of Prosthetic Urology (CAPU),fresh from its first battle in Washington earlier this year over reimbursementfor prosthetic urology devices and procedures, took another big step forwardwith a standing-room-only presentation at the AUA meeting here on Tuesday.
FDA-approved catheter enhances BPH procedure
April 28th 2003Urologix, Inc. has received FDA approval to market the Cooled ThermoCathtreatment catheter, which is designed for use in conjunction with the company'sTargis microwave generator, for the treatment of BPH. The product incorporatescatheter cooling technology designed to improve the heat exchange coupledwith improved catheter conformance to urethral tissue.
Physicians, patients rally to support urology research legislation
April 28th 2003Chicago-A group of physicians, urologic researchers, and patients whohave battled a variety of urologic conditions gathered here yesterday tosupport new legislation aimed at increasing federal funding for urologicdisease.
Biopsy at low PSA levels may translate into better clinical outcomes
April 28th 2003Chicago-A biopsy of men with PSA levels of 2.6 to 4.0 ng/mL may detectorgan-confined prostate cancer more often than a biopsy in men with a PSAlevel >4.0 ng/mL, according to a large study from Washington University,St. Louis, presented yesterday. This may result in better clinical outcomes,including a lower biochemical progression rate.
Positive surgical margins predict increased cancer recurrence
April 28th 2003Chicago-Positive surgical margins are associated with an increased riskof cancer recurrence after radical prostatectomy, and adjuvant radiationtherapy given before recurrence may benefit patients with positive margins,according to a Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center study.