Urologists have strong opinions about politics and health care reform. About four out of five urologists are extremely or very concerned about declining reimbursement, increasing government regulations, and health care reform regulations.
Urologists have strong opinions about politics and health care reform. About four out of five urologists are extremely or very concerned about declining reimbursement, increasing government regulations, and health care reform regulations. Seventy percent did not support passage of the health care reform bill, and 61% think Congress should repeal the entire bill.
Now that health care reform is the law, 37% plan on making significant changes in their practice. However, a surprising majority (63%) do not anticipate making significant practice changes.
The AUA, as a member of the Alliance of Specialty Medicine, has urged members of Congress to sign on to S.3653 and H.R.4985, which will repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) established by the ACA. The IPAB as created will arbitrarily ratchet down provider reimbursement without sufficient congressional oversight; it can make major changes in reimbursement policy and is answerable to no one.
We owe it to our specialty and ourselves to stay informed and, most important, communicate our opinions to our elected representatives. They may finally be listening.
Dr. Gee, a member of the Urology Times Editorial Council, is in private practice in Lexington, KY.