Dr. Suskind overviews new white paper focused on incontinence in older patients
October 11th 2021As a committee, we felt that there was a need to put together a document to help field some of the ethical considerations that we run into in clinical care but have very little guidance on,” says Anne M. Suskind, MD, MS, FACS, FPMRS.
Dr. Huang discusses UGN-102 as treatment alternative for NMIBC
October 8th 2021"The focus of this study and the patient cohort that we're looking at are patients with intermediate-risk bladder cancer who [also have] low-grade bladder cancer. These patients [typically have] a lot of recurrences [and] multi-focal disease but are at low risk of progressing on to metastatic disease or developing invasion into their bladder wall,” says William C. Huang, MD.
Dr. Clayman encourages urologists to help distribute endoscopy kits
October 8th 2021“The world's a very, very small place and there are a lot of people who are hurting. It's our job as physicians to help relieve that discomfort, wherever it may exist, whether it's here in the United States or elsewhere, and this is the device that allows that to be realized,” says Ralph V. Clayman, MD.
Dr. Stewart discusses study of neoadjuvant axitinib in renal cell carcinoma
October 7th 2021“The concept behind the NAXIVA trial was to treat these patients with pre-surgical neoadjuvant targeted therapy with a means of downstaging that venous tumor thrombus, reducing the extent of it to try and make the surgery less morbid to the patient and to potentially improve survival,” says Grant Stewart, MD.
Study assesses the efficacy of Rezum water vapor therapy in treating BPH
October 7th 2021“This study really demonstrates, for one of the first times certainly in the largest cohort of men ever [studied], that Rezum water vapor thermal therapy is a viable option to treat men with very large prostates bigger than 80 mL,” says Dean Elterman, MD, MSc, FRCSC.
Comparing the effectiveness of RALP and ORP
October 6th 2021“I want to reiterate that this study doesn't necessarily say that 1 approach is better than the other, but it definitely does reinforce some advantages of robotic surgery that have been shown not just in this study, but in other studies as well,” says Peter Chang, MD, PhD.
The Endockscope system “serves as a paradigm”
October 5th 2021“[We gave the ES kits out] with the idea that instead of having these people…travel…hundreds of miles to a main hospital for their endoscopy, the urologist could travel to a village with just the smartphone and the endoscope set-up and proceed to do a ton of endoscopy there,” says Ralph V. Clayman, MD.
Examining financial factors in prostate cancer treatment patterns
October 1st 2021“I think the key [is to not] get rid of financial incentives. I don't think that's possible. [Rather, we should] align financial incentives [so] that [we] can promote what is best for patients,” says Lillian Y. Lai, MD.
Dr. McVary discusses individualizing care in men with BPH
September 24th 2021“[BPH treatment] has to be individualized to the motivations of the patient, and also what I call his "phenotype.” How big is his prostate? How bad is this problem? And what is his tolerance for side effects?” says Kevin T. McVary, MD.
Noninvasive biomarker tests diagnose urothelial cancer in patients with hematuria
September 20th 2021“What was very impressive from the study was by sequentially using Cxbladder Triage, Detect, and Resolve, we could not only segregate those who had cancer versus not, but also those who had low-risk tumors versus high-risk tumors,” says Jay Raman, MD, FACS.
Dr. Matulewicz discusses underreported smoking status in GU cancer trials
September 17th 2021“I think the real driving factor in all of this is that collecting smoking status and tobacco use is hard. It's difficult to get this information out. It requires a lot of time; it requires energy; it requires infrastructure in the data and the electronic medical record,” says Richard Matulewicz, MD, MS.
Dr. Chamie on durability of UGN-101 in low-grade UTUC
September 17th 2021“The reason that [long-term follow up is] important is because if you look at the best of hands, the incidence of recurrence of upper tract urothelial carcinoma, even for low and intermediate risk, is still very high,” says Karim Chamie, MD.
Dr. Elterman weighs in on the growing number of BPH treatments available
September 16th 2021“My patient selection process for BPH treatments can be a little bit cumbersome and take time, but that's really because for the first time ever, we have so many different options available to men,” says Dean Elterman, MD, MSc, FRCSC.
Cxbladder tests identify high-impact and low-impact tumors
September 16th 2021“The purpose of [Cxbladder] Resolve is to identify not only those patients who are at higher risk for urothelial or urinary tract cancer, but those that have a high probability of an aggressive cancer, such as high-grade TA, carcinoma in situ, or T1 to T3,” says Jay Raman, MD, FACS.
Study finds tramadol effects vary among patients
September 8th 2021“Tramadol is a mixed-class medication and it has weak opioid agonist activity. Normally, we consider that a safer option compared to other opioids, but it's actually a pro drug, so it has to be metabolized to have an effect,” says Sarah F. Faris, MD.
Researchers use the military health care system to investigate mental health in transgender youth
September 8th 2021“It was nice to use the military health system to look at the population, which tends to be very diverse…[It allowed] us to get pretty large numbers to make some better conclusions about what’s already been established in this population,” says David A. Klein, MD, MPH.