Results of the CORE-001 Trial: 24-Month Complete Response Rate and Duration of Response


Experts discuss the results of the CORE-001 Trial.

Video content above is prompted by the following questions:

  • In the CORE-001 trial, what were the results for the primary endpoint of complete response at 24 months as well as the secondary endpoint of duration of response? What is notable about these results?
  • How do these results compare to those associated with other FDA-approved therapies and other investigational drugs?
  • What was the overall cystectomy-free survival rate, and what was this rate among patients who experienced a complete response?
  • Were there other notable efficacy outcomes?

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Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
Trinity Bivalacqua, MD, PhD, and Mark Tyson, MD, MPH, experts on bladder cancer
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